Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Someone I really admire...

In the journalism I admire many people, but if I had to choose only one, that would be Amaro Gómez-Pablos.

Amaro is a chilean-spanish journalist, who has been 24 Horas newsreader on TVN for some years. He has a brilliant career, which is supported by his work on CNN en español, as war correspondent for that channel and later for TVN. He has covered many important facts in the world, for example the detention of Pinochet in London (1998), the wars in Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. He has also made interviews to important people like the ex Prime Minister Tony Blair, the President José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Michelle Bachelet and even the Dalai Lama.

Besides, Gómez-Pablos has made excellent reports on television. Because of one of them, which was about the prison of Guantánamo, he won the Premio Rey de España on 2009.

He is a very intelligent man, he’s clever. He always makes the right question in the very moment. I think he is close to the people because of his way of being. I say that ´cause I had the opportunity to know him the last year (I made him an interview), and I really loved him! He is so nice and cute!

Also I have to say that I consider him an example for me, ´cause I want to work on TV and on TVN when I finish my studies =)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My earthquake experience

In my summer holidays I went to Pelluhue and Cauquenes. The 27th february`s night I was in this last place, in the house of my uncle. I had seen the show of Ricardo Arjona on the Festival de Viña del mar (I like his music so much).
Later, I went to bed, but I watched TV instead of sleeping. It was playing Titanic, just in the part where the ship is sinking (I think that was a sort of premonition). Then, a heavy earth tremor started. Immedeately, I went out of bed and stood under the door. When the movement began to diminish I went to the bedroom where my older brother was. After that we went down the stairs and walked towards the yard. My mom, my other brother and my uncle where there. The earthquake hadn`t stopped at all.
We went to the main square. The people started to go there, telling their recent experiences. They were worried about it, but in calm.
I did not sleep that night. I couldn`t and I didn`t want to.
Many houses were to the ground. There were not any information about the rest of the country, except the news from the people who could contact our families.
The electricity and the water were not working. The mobile telephones worked until the midday.

I think this is a really hard experience, because I had never lived an earthquake and because of the consequences it involved. But I also think this was an opportunity to combine efforts and help the people who most needed it. The solidarity appeared once again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Welcome to my English blog.

I´m Katia Contreras. I´ll start telling you why I created this page. The reason is that it is something I have to do for my English class at the university.

The objective of this blog is, I supposse, to practise my skills about the language and make it better (I hope to achieve it) =)

I´ll try to post things that you are interested in. So, enjoy it!!