Monday, August 23, 2010

Remembering last semester

The last semester I had some experiences in the university. I think everyone had them too. It’s not there is always something so new happening here, but sometimes there are episodes that one remember.

Talking strictly about the university, I had one subject in which I did what I like: work as a journalist. I made interviews to many people, like the member of parliament Carlos Montes. But respect this man, I must say the interview was not as I would like it was, because of him. I mean, he had not too much time, so it was shorter than I wanted. Anyway, I liked the subject because it is one in relation with the career I am studying.

Well, I learned more things about my future profession, above all, in the communication field (‘cause I had –and now too- subjects like “Interpersonal Communication”).

With my friends I spend a lot of time in the university, talking, laughing, going out, etc. We use to make many plans, but the most of them don’t become true… That happens because there are people who say “yes, I’m going”, but in the last moment they say “sorry, I can’t”. At least we got together on vacation (what a miracle!).

With my school friends I had contact by MSN, Facebook and phone. I just saw them when the term ended. That is the bad side, ‘cause the timetables don’t coincide.

I hope this semester is not so hard, because I have 7 subjects (too much for me :P)… By the moment I just want to be on vacation. After that, I wish the time goes fast and to finish the year in the best way.


  1. i liked comunicacion interpersonal too! :)

  2. Hi Katia! Thanks for you post in my blog. The divorce of my parents was very traumatic for me, but now I realize that`s better :)

    And you`re rigth, comunicación interpersonal was a difficult but great subject!

    See U!

  3. Like those funny faces :)

  4. Very good work, Katia!
    I really hope the semester won't get too stressful for you ;)
