Wednesday, November 17, 2010

English at University

This year I studied English again.

An entire year had passed since I finished the school. 2009 was my beginning at the university. When I started to study Journalism I thought that I was going to have English as subject from the first year, but it wasn’t like that. I just have had this one the last and the current semester.

It wasn’t hard to take it up again (at least, I think so).

Well, I guess English at the university has been a good experience. It has been useful for me, because I have remembered a lot of things that I learnt in my years at the school.

But I think, too, it has been relatively easy for me because I like it. English is my favourite language. I love to watch films in English (with subtitles… I hate the dubbed movies), to listen to Anglo music and practice it. Of course, I hope to improve my knowledge and my pronunciation, so I guess I will take a course in some years.

Throughout this year I have came back to study this language. With the classes we have had, I have learnt to hear better, to realize which my mistakes are (especially in the written tests). Besides, although I did not like it when we started in the first semester, I must admit the blog was a very good tool to practice our skills and to “let go the hand” (I don’t know how to say “soltar la mano” :P ).

And in the classes I think we have had a teacher who has made a very good job with us. She has tried to make the contents more interesting, for example, with songs.

To finish my work on this blog (which is the first and the last I am going to have… I hope so), I will say that I think we should keep the English classes during the entire career. Because, according to my modest point of view, we must finish it with a real high level in this language. At least in Journalism, I believe we need to know a lot to be good professionals.

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