Wednesday, November 17, 2010

English at University

This year I studied English again.

An entire year had passed since I finished the school. 2009 was my beginning at the university. When I started to study Journalism I thought that I was going to have English as subject from the first year, but it wasn’t like that. I just have had this one the last and the current semester.

It wasn’t hard to take it up again (at least, I think so).

Well, I guess English at the university has been a good experience. It has been useful for me, because I have remembered a lot of things that I learnt in my years at the school.

But I think, too, it has been relatively easy for me because I like it. English is my favourite language. I love to watch films in English (with subtitles… I hate the dubbed movies), to listen to Anglo music and practice it. Of course, I hope to improve my knowledge and my pronunciation, so I guess I will take a course in some years.

Throughout this year I have came back to study this language. With the classes we have had, I have learnt to hear better, to realize which my mistakes are (especially in the written tests). Besides, although I did not like it when we started in the first semester, I must admit the blog was a very good tool to practice our skills and to “let go the hand” (I don’t know how to say “soltar la mano” :P ).

And in the classes I think we have had a teacher who has made a very good job with us. She has tried to make the contents more interesting, for example, with songs.

To finish my work on this blog (which is the first and the last I am going to have… I hope so), I will say that I think we should keep the English classes during the entire career. Because, according to my modest point of view, we must finish it with a real high level in this language. At least in Journalism, I believe we need to know a lot to be good professionals.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Books and reading

Well, if now I have got to talk about books I’ll do it, but if someone asks me which was the first one a read… I really do not remember.

Of course I keep in my mind many children’s books, for example, La bruja Mon, El dragon color frambuesa, and others.

Obviously couldn’t be absent the Disney classics: Rapunzel, Cinderella, between others. I think there is no child in the world (well, at least the occidental world) who has not read or heard about them.

But, apart from the books of my childhood, I must say that I like to read books. But not all of them, because there are many books which are truly boring or tedious, and I do not like them. I prefer to read a book of which topic is interesting for me or which story is entertaining.

Maybe somebody can think this one is for children, but I like Harry Potter. At the beginning (by the first books of the saga), I did not like it. I thought it was too fantastic and dull, but when I read the Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone I discovered a whole new world!! No, I’m kidding. The truth is a found it good. It has many characters, many stories and in every book it gets better (though there is no comparison between the books and the movies… the books are better).

I have thought many times if there is one author or more that I consider my favourite. Always I have came to the conclusion that I’ve got no one. I guess that is because I am not a fanatic of reading.

And if I have to choose what kind of books I enjoy the most… I don’t know hahhaha

Really, it depends on many things: the author, the topic, my interests, my necessities and that sort of business.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Protecting the environment...

Well, today we have got an interesting topic, although I don’t practice it so much.

First of all, according to me, people learn about environmentally friendly practices in their own families. If the parents do not teach to their children how to protect the nature, they can not know if to throw paper in the street, for example, is right or not. It depends on the education from the family and, of course, the school.

Personally, I have not incorporated recycling into my habits. It doesn’t mean I’m going destroying the environment along my life, but I am not the kind of person who always goes to special places to throw plastic or glass.

I usually use the car or Transantiago buses to go from my house to somewhere. And I must say I don’t like to have to walk every day 10 minutes to get the bus stop (from Monday to Friday), so my mom takes me, but only in the morning (though sometimes I call her in the evening… just when I am tired :P ).

I haven’t joined to any organization, like Greenpeace. Because I am not a fan of this topic. But it doesn’t mean I don’t care about it, ‘cause I hate the people and the companies which kill animals (whales, for example).

I would like to make something else to protect the nature, I don’t know what; maybe just contribute recycling materials (to start for somewhere).

Nowadays the carbon footprint is ”in”. Talking about what I have done to reduce it, I think I haven’t done so much. I know, I should… and I will try.

In our society, especially in the cities like Santiago, we need more information about this kind of topic. Most of people know the basic, but we all must take more care and protect the environment.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The truth about Rooney's situation

Ok. The task we must do today is a little harder than the others we have developed the last weeks. I don’t know what news I am going to choose to make a summer from it. I thought about some movie or something like that, but now I think it will be a sports one. Whatever, here we go…

Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United’s Manager, talked about the supposed problems between the club and Wayne Rooney. Ferguson implied the fault was not of Rooney but his agent.

The manager said that it is always difficult to achieve a deal with the best footballers, but not because of them, on the contrary, because of their agents.

The Ferguson’s declarations were after the victory of United over Stoke City (2-1) the last weekend. Besides, the manager said this triumph must be continued with other conquests on the next matches from now to Christmas. This was under the context of the third place of Manchester on the Premier League.

After that match, Ferguson told to the press that the Mexican Hernández’s goal was one of the best of the season. It was very celebrated by the fans and by the footballers too.

Although Gary Neville, Manchester United’s defender, had not a very good performance (because the referee could have shown him a second yellow card and, therefore, a red one) he was eulogized by the manager because of his play.

Finally, a spokesman for the company of Rooney’s agent did not want to talk about Ferguson’s comments.

Monday, October 18, 2010

An amazing movie...

Well, as our teacher wrote in her own blog, I have written about my favourite movie too. It was on the first semester, for the blogs too. In that opportunity I said the film I like the most was “The Lion King” and I keep it.

But this time I am not going to talk about the same movie (though I could copy paste it… but I won’t :P ). In this occasion I will write about one movie that I saw some time ago. And it was: “Shutter Island”.

My brother has bought it (not the original, cause it was still on the cinema :O),so I watched it at home. I loved it because of many reasons. First of all, because the actor who is playing the main character is Leonardo Di Caprio… and I love him!! I don’t care if some people say he does not act very well, cause he is one of the best for me and that’s all I care.

But, besides, the director of this film is really good. Martin Scorsese has made many excellent movies, for example, “The Aviator” (with Di Caprio, too). And in this one he obtains an amazing story.

“Shutter Island“ is a psychological thriller film based on Dennis Lehane's novel of the same name. The main character is investigating a psychiatric jail located on the island with the same name. He goes there with his assigned partner to investigate the disappearance of Rachel Solando, a patient who apparently vanished.

The entire movie seems to be one, but at the end it is completely different (I won’t tell you why, if you have not seen it). Scorsese achieve his objective: he makes you believe something and then it is not what you thought (though I wasn’t really sure of it on the last scene).

Actually, it is one of the best films I have ever seen.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My favourite tv show, though it is not anymore

This time I must write about my favourite TV show. I really don’t know which one I can choose. It is truly hard!!

I like many series, for example, Friends, Sabrina (though they both finished many time ago), The Simpsons, Doctor House, Disney series (I know, I still have got my child side) and other ones.

But I am going to write about “Aquí no hay quién viva”. This is a Spanish comedy series, which takes place in a build. It is shows the stories of all the residents, from a boy to ancient women. There is all kind of characters: a housewife, a lesbian, a homosexual couple, young people, adults… everyone.

I like this series because it is too much fun. I started to watch it many years ago (when Chilevisión transmitted it) with my mom and my brothers. I waited all the week till Saturday, to watch it eating delicious things, like crisps, nachos, etc.

“Aquí no hay quién viva” is not like other series. It has got the Spanish touch, their humor, their idiosyncrasy, their point of view. I think it’s really well done.

Another good aspect of this series is that all characters have almost the same prominence.

The first time this series was on air was in 2003 by the Spanish channel Antena 3. It had only five seasons, because there were some problems between the producer and the television station (some workers moved to another channel, Tele 5, where they started a similar series).

Sadly, for me, Chilevisión did not transmitted it anymore =(

And a year ago or so, this channel began to show the Chilean version… I have not even watched a piece of it. And I guess I won’t do it.

Every time I have the opportunity to watch the original (on Antena 3) I do it, but the bad side is I have lost many episodes. But it doesn’t matter, because it is funny anyway.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sailor Moon

I remember a lot of cartoons I have seen in my entire life. For example, every Disney’s cartoons, Knights of the Zodiac (I was obliged to watch it, because of my brothers, but I liked it), The smurfs, Dragon Ball, He-man, The Flintstones, the Jetsons… and many others that I better don’t mention, because I would en tomorrow.

But if I had to choose one of all of them I would prefer Sailor Moon.

I made this decision because I watched it all the time. I was a little fan of these caricatures. I don’t remember very well how old I was when it was on TV, but I suppose I should have been 5.

I watched these cartoons with my two brothers –sometimes, because it seems to me they did not like it so much (at least not like I did)-. And, of course, I thought I was one of the characters: Sailor Mars (I think… I’m not sure).

The best thing about Sailor Moon was the fantastic characteristic of the plot. The super powers, the clothes they wore, the series’ song. Besides, there was an entire merchandising, which was one of the best things :D

Anyway, I keep very beautiful memories of my childhood. And, of course, I remember with special affection the cartoons I used to watch.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Places to go in Santiago

Well, first of all, I must say I really did not like when I knew we had to make a blog's homework during our vacation.If I had nothing else to do, I would not care... but the fact is this vacation (at least the first week) has not been what I supposed.
I´ve been full of works, reading materials and sources searching.

Ok. Let´s do it. The city I chose this time to talk about is Santiago. But I am not really going to speak about the city, but the places where some foreigner could visit in here.

I would recommend somebody to go to the historic and most important places, in my opinion, like La Moneda, the Museo de Bellas Artes, the Palacio de tribunales, etc.
If this person wanted to get fun, I would tell him/her to go for a walk around the mall (I don´t know, Mall Plaza, Arauco, some Portal), the theater, cinema or somethinglike that.
Otherwise, he or she can get funier going to a pub, maybe in Bellavista or Las Terrazas, or some discoteque.

After that, I mean, dancing and speaking, the most probable is they are hungry. The solution is to get to some place where they can buy food and drink. In this city there are lots of them. For example, fast food restaurants, like Mc Donalds, KFC, Gatsby (this one is one of my favourites) and many others.
Wherever you go in Santiago, there is food and drink.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The beautiful England

Ok. I like today’s work. This topic is something I wanted to talk about long time ago.

The country I would like to go is England (I’m not copying our teacher… It’s just a coincidence). I have always dreamt of living in that beautiful island. I remember –though this sounds a bit childlike- my interest increased when I read Harry Potter. Because on every book one could imagine the pretty landscapes that it described.

Besides, I like the language, English, since I was a little girl.

Well, I know general things about England. Some of history, literature, paintings, writers… although maybe what I know the most is about football -of course I am not an expert-. But I like the English footballers, especially one: David Beckham. I love him! (it’s a pity he is married).

To get back to what I was saying, I know too about the ancient culture of this country. Its beautiful places, monuments and other things. Also, on winter vacation I read a few pages of a book concerning United Kingdom (it has information about history, meals, tourist spaces, etc.), which I hope to finish on September.

However, when I finish my career, I’d like to study a postgraduate or a doctorate in Spain or England. After that, one of my biggest dreams is to work there (I wish on BBC).

Apart from it, I’d love to live in England, to drive on the left of the street (I really want to :P) and, of course, to improve my English.

But I don’t know, it is a long time until then…

Monday, August 23, 2010

Remembering last semester

The last semester I had some experiences in the university. I think everyone had them too. It’s not there is always something so new happening here, but sometimes there are episodes that one remember.

Talking strictly about the university, I had one subject in which I did what I like: work as a journalist. I made interviews to many people, like the member of parliament Carlos Montes. But respect this man, I must say the interview was not as I would like it was, because of him. I mean, he had not too much time, so it was shorter than I wanted. Anyway, I liked the subject because it is one in relation with the career I am studying.

Well, I learned more things about my future profession, above all, in the communication field (‘cause I had –and now too- subjects like “Interpersonal Communication”).

With my friends I spend a lot of time in the university, talking, laughing, going out, etc. We use to make many plans, but the most of them don’t become true… That happens because there are people who say “yes, I’m going”, but in the last moment they say “sorry, I can’t”. At least we got together on vacation (what a miracle!).

With my school friends I had contact by MSN, Facebook and phone. I just saw them when the term ended. That is the bad side, ‘cause the timetables don’t coincide.

I hope this semester is not so hard, because I have 7 subjects (too much for me :P)… By the moment I just want to be on vacation. After that, I wish the time goes fast and to finish the year in the best way.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The last post...

Well… This is the last post that I am going to do in this blog (I suppose… If we don’t have to use it on the next semester).

I’m gonna start from the beginning. When Miss Daniela told us we had to work and write in a blog, I thought “nooo, what a boring thing!”. That came to my mind because I had in my memory the experience of another blog in other subject (CFG) the last year. It has not been quite entertaining.

The thing is my perception regard to this blog changed. I have written about many matters, I have shown my point of view, the things I like, etc. Besides, I have known more about my classmates and their experiences, too.

This exercise (I mean, to write almost every Wednesday in the blog) has been an opportunity to put in practice our English and our skills thinking, writing and reading it.

Many times I have had to look up words I did not know or remember in the dictionary. I think it is, at the end, something good for us and for our learning.

I guess I have improved my English (and I hope it to keep getting better), so I suppose the blog’s idea was not so bad :P

Some advantages of blogging are those I wrote above. But the disadvantages may be the fact to have to stay at the university until 7.30, the cold, the rain sometimes, the tiredness… many things. But it’s worth the sacrifice.

To finish this post I want to say I hope we continue writing in the blog the next semester. It would be, again, a good tool to improve and perfect our English level.

Besides, I think we should continue with our teacher, too. Because I guess we have a very good relation with her and she teach us in an entertaining way.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Video games

Well, today I really don't know very well what to write. I am not a video games fun...
I did not want to talk about them. I wanted to speak about my favourite sport man or something like that. Any way, I have to do it.

I must admit I like to play video games, but I'm not a fanatic. I like those about Mario Bros. and his friends. I like it because it is fun and easy to understand. You have not to know a lot of techniques. You just must how to jump, how to turn to the right or left and how to go down :P

Specially I enjoy the games which you can drive and race. Though sometimes I get a little angry when I lose.
The ones I do not like for nothing are those about fight. I can not understand there are so much people who like them and, more over, play them!! This kind of game is too boring! (in my modest opinion). Besides, they are too violent.

I do not use to play video games very often. When I do it, it´s generáis with some friends or children. Although one of the last times I placed it was at the university… yeah, it may sound weird, and it probably is, but it was in the context of a class. I remember I had no idea how to play the game. I just pressed every controls… And it seems it worked, because I got the second place =)

Maybe I’m good playing, maybe not. It is relative hahaha
No, speaking seriously, I think I am good, but I’m not the best video game player (neither I want to).

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A beautiful memory

Today I have to choose a photo… I thought it was going to be more difficult, but it wasn’t. I selected one in which I appear with my family, I mean, my mother and my two brothers.
I don’t really remember who took this photo, but I guess it was a little boy called José Tomás (he is like a cousin).

In the picture we were in our holidays. These were in Pelluhue… before the earthquake…
Well, of course you can see we are all posing. In front is my older brother, Tomás. By my side are my next brother, Mateo, and my mom, Lorena.

The day wasn’t so beautiful, because it was cloudy and the sun often disappeared. In the background you can also see the sea (which was cold, by the way).
The photo was taken in the afternoon. It was windy, so it wasn’t so hot, but neither too cold.

I like this one because I am with my family. Besides, it has an extra value for the reason that it was taken in Pelluhue just a week or so before it changed… Here I get a little “mamona” (I don’t know how to say it in English). I remember that village, my uncle’s house in there, the beach, the people… Sorry, but I am too sensitive :P
The place was lovely. I had been there many times. Now I hope to go there again… maybe on winter holidays. I would really like to.

But not every memories are so emotional. I really had very good moments there. I shared with the people I love (my mom, my brothers, my aunts and uncles, my “cousins” and other friends). And I know I will have many other memorable moments. I have no doubt about it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The one concert

I’ve not been to many concerts in my short life. In fact, I think I have been to only one, because I just remember when my parents took my brothers and me to the El gusto es nuestro’s show.

All I know is I was too little (I guess I was 6) and I liked so much the performance of the Spanish singers. These were Joan Manuel Serrat, Ana Belén, Víctor Manuel and Miguel Ríos. They joined to develop the project called El gusto es nuestro, which was a tour around Spain and Latin America.

My dad and my mom loved their music. I think because of that I learnt to appreciate it too. Besides, their songs were very good and really big themes. For example, “Sólo le pido a Dios”, “Penélope”, “Hoy puede ser un gran día” and many others.

The concert was at the National Stadium. I remember I was up a chair and I could see them (though I wasn’t at the first line, but I was close to them).

That was a great night.

While the artists were singing my dad bought the cassette (yes!!... It was many years ago!), so after the concert I could learn the lyrics and all the songs.

I must say I did not know too much about this singers until I was to their concert. But time after (years) I realized they were and they are really important artists.

This task has made me reflect on the fact that I should go to more shows… I think there will be enough opportunities… And I’ll have to take some of them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My favourite teacher

I’ve got many good memories from the school and, of course, about my teachers. This time I must decide who is my favourite teacher… I truly don’t know, because I had a very good relationship with them, but I liked ones more than others. Besides, at the university I have, and I had too, really nice teachers.

Well, I will choose my Language’s teacher. Her name is Virginia and she was the best one I ever had in that stuff (completely the opposite to another teacher, Rossana, who was horrible!! She did NOTHING in class!!). She made us classes from third to fourth grade secondary school.

Virginia was really good educating. She made us work in class, she explained us the matter and stimulated us to get better everyday. Almost all of my classmates loved her, though there were some of them that hated her.
I remember she trusted me, she had faith in me, and that was very important for me to believe in my self and to explode my abilities.

Because of her I didn’t take Language at the institution where I prepared my PSU (I only took History). And a had good results =)

She also gave me advices about the professional field and supported me in my decision to study Journalism –not like many people who told me “don’t study that!”-.

I use to know about her through my brother, because one of his best friends is her son.
Finally, I want to add she taught not only me, but my two brothers too. However, she left my school and now she is working at another one.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My mobile

This time I don’t know what to choose. Again.

Well, the fact is I have to write about my favourite piece of technology. I’m between the mp3 and the cell phone. But the object I use the most is my mobile (although I use every day my mp3, too), so I will write about it.

I have had two cell phones in my life. The first was really old and it died (ooh, what a sad). And the second one is a little and beautiful mobile. I got it for my birthday number 17, because it was the gift I asked to my dad. Since then I have had it and, though sometimes it does not work as well as I’d like, it’s useful.

I utilize my mobile to make calls, to send messages to my friends and my parents, to take photos, to record (almost never) and to wake up every morning. Because of all that I use it everyday.

When I haven’t got my cell phone with me it’s horrible, cause it’s something indispensable for me. I know it may sound exaggerated, but I am not the only one person who feels that. It happens to many people.

I think I could live without my mobile, because I do not think I die if I haven’t got it. But the truth is I’ve got it =)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing my favourite band

Well, it’s not easy to me to choose my favourite band. That’s because I don’t really have only one. In fact, I think those are at least three: Black Eyed Peas, Camila and Reik (I know the last two are not too similar to the first one, but I like them!!).

My choice will be… Reik.

Ok, what made me decide on this band is I like their music so much and I know almost all their songs (when they came to the Festival de Viña del Mar –on my birthday- I watched their entire presentation and sang every song). Besides, I have followed them since they started to sound on the radio in Chile.

To me the Reik’s songs are too beautiful. I like so much the lyrics… maybe I identify with some of them… but I won’t say which ones :P

This group is composed of three members: Jesús (the vocalist), Gilberto (plays the electric guitar) and Julio (plays the acoustic guitar). Here I must say I love Julio, because he is the most handsome and cute of all of them.

Talking about their job, they have made 4 discs, from which the last one is Un día más. Now they have took a rest to work later in their new production.

It’s also hard to me to choose one favourite song. I would select Qué vida la mía, De qué sirve or Voy a estar. They’re so lovely!!

Finally, I will tell I have never been at one of their concerts, but I will… some day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My favourite movie: The Lion King

My favourite movie is The Lion King, the first one. I know it might sound and be childlike, but it’s the best for me.

I remember the first time I watched this film I was at the cinema with my dad and my two brothers. But I guess it’s almost all I can remember, because I was very little, I was three!

A few years ago an interest came up to me… I wanted to watch The Lion King to remember the story, the characters, the songs… everything. But nobody had it.

Then my mom gave it to me as a Christmas gift (the first and second part, ´cause my brother had the third).

Since that time I have watched it many times, so now I do know what it is about.

I think this movie has got a beautiful story, many cute characters, wonderful scenes, marvelous places from Africa, and many other things. Besides, it’s got very good songs, from which one -Can you feel the love tonight- is sung by Elton John. All of that makes The Lion King a really complete film.

I must add that every time I watch it I cry when Mufasa, the Simba’s dad, dies.

If someone who is reading this has not watched The Lion King, I recommend it to him or her. I hope you to enjoy it =)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Someone I really admire...

In the journalism I admire many people, but if I had to choose only one, that would be Amaro Gómez-Pablos.

Amaro is a chilean-spanish journalist, who has been 24 Horas newsreader on TVN for some years. He has a brilliant career, which is supported by his work on CNN en español, as war correspondent for that channel and later for TVN. He has covered many important facts in the world, for example the detention of Pinochet in London (1998), the wars in Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. He has also made interviews to important people like the ex Prime Minister Tony Blair, the President José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Michelle Bachelet and even the Dalai Lama.

Besides, Gómez-Pablos has made excellent reports on television. Because of one of them, which was about the prison of Guantánamo, he won the Premio Rey de España on 2009.

He is a very intelligent man, he’s clever. He always makes the right question in the very moment. I think he is close to the people because of his way of being. I say that ´cause I had the opportunity to know him the last year (I made him an interview), and I really loved him! He is so nice and cute!

Also I have to say that I consider him an example for me, ´cause I want to work on TV and on TVN when I finish my studies =)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My earthquake experience

In my summer holidays I went to Pelluhue and Cauquenes. The 27th february`s night I was in this last place, in the house of my uncle. I had seen the show of Ricardo Arjona on the Festival de Viña del mar (I like his music so much).
Later, I went to bed, but I watched TV instead of sleeping. It was playing Titanic, just in the part where the ship is sinking (I think that was a sort of premonition). Then, a heavy earth tremor started. Immedeately, I went out of bed and stood under the door. When the movement began to diminish I went to the bedroom where my older brother was. After that we went down the stairs and walked towards the yard. My mom, my other brother and my uncle where there. The earthquake hadn`t stopped at all.
We went to the main square. The people started to go there, telling their recent experiences. They were worried about it, but in calm.
I did not sleep that night. I couldn`t and I didn`t want to.
Many houses were to the ground. There were not any information about the rest of the country, except the news from the people who could contact our families.
The electricity and the water were not working. The mobile telephones worked until the midday.

I think this is a really hard experience, because I had never lived an earthquake and because of the consequences it involved. But I also think this was an opportunity to combine efforts and help the people who most needed it. The solidarity appeared once again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Welcome to my English blog.

I´m Katia Contreras. I´ll start telling you why I created this page. The reason is that it is something I have to do for my English class at the university.

The objective of this blog is, I supposse, to practise my skills about the language and make it better (I hope to achieve it) =)

I´ll try to post things that you are interested in. So, enjoy it!!